Anyone who follows Pokémon should know that Pokémon Legends Z-A is coming out for Nintendo Switch in 2025. However, not much is known for sure about what the game will be like because the only trailer was Pikachu running around! We have a lot to learn about the game, but these are some rumors that have been leaked.
First to get the Phampy–the Elephant Pokémon–out of the room, starters are rumored to be Litten (Fire type), Turtwig (Grass type) and Totodile (Water type). This prediction does not come from someone on the internet, but because of a pattern: a Pokémon card fun pack released that had these Pokémon listed on it. This could mean nothing, but the last time they made a pack with different Pokémon from different regions, those were the starters for Legends Arceus.
Pokémon Legends Z-A is about a completely new adventure set entirely within ‘Lumiose City,’ a city where redevelopment is in progress with the goal of becoming a place where humans and Pokémon can coexist.
The confirmed Pokémon coming to Pokémon Legends Z-A are Pikachu, Pyroar, Floette, Litleo, Klefki, Furfrou, Flabébé, Fletchling, Dragonair, Gyarados, Emolga, Arbok, Absol, Hippopotas, Skrelp, Magikarp, Staryu, Hawlucha, Sylveon, Pinsir, Heracross, Talonflame, Onix, Bellsprout, Aegislash, Sandile, Krookodile, Pangoro, and Ariados. Additionally, if you look closely for three seconds, there is a red Pokémon sticking to a wall as Talonflame flies past. The picture is too blurry to see in detail, but it was red, small, and sticking to a wall; there is a possibility it’s a new Pokémon because no one recognises it. Some think it might be an Ariados, but that is probably not the case because Ariadoses are pretty big. We think it might be an undiscovered Pokémon or a new one exclusively for this game.
Now for the most important part: the lore. The trailer starts with blueprints and then flashing across the screen is a logo that looks like a black hole or a star with a circle around it; whatever they are, they have something to do with space. When the blueprint has been drawn out it turns into a computer image which means this takes place in the present. Unlike Pokémon Legends Arceus, you don’t get zipped back in time with nothing but an iPhone, but it seems your character is helping rebuild Lumiose City.
Next, we have game mechanics. First, you can walk with all six of your Pokémon at once, which is very exciting. During the Sylveon and Aegislash battle you can see a man walking with five Sandile and one Krookodile. There are more animated battles going back to Sylveon and Aegislash. Aegislash was swinging around like crazy and not like a fury cutter; it was more unique, and Sylveon was dodging masterfully, not letting a ribbon touch the blade. It also seems like we won’t be the center of attention: in the background Heracross and Pinsir were battling, and it did not seem like they had trainers. This is very cool because it means we might be able to watch battles without interacting with them. This would also make catching easier because the Pokémon would already be weakened. This is not confirmed, but we’re pretty sure it’s going to be added.
Overall, we know that Pokémon Legends Z-A is going to be really good. There will be new Pokémon, new mega-evolutions, and best of all, new functions like watching Pokémon battle in the wild.